Envy in the spotlight


TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
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so howd i do on the title? :mrgreen:



Boo for no glass cleaner :grumpy:

Its my first time manipulating lighting in my pictures so i was just basically messin around.
I decided that i couldnt get one shot to say it all and paired 2 together.
I tried cropping out some of the negative space in the first one but it just didnt look right to me.
and same with the second one, i kinda wanted to portray the light as looking into a mirror so i left the side of it in the frame

c&c if you want
I guess I'm not sure what you did? Did you put a blue bulb in? Or change the color in PS? What were you going for?
it was just a black light. normally theyre purple but im guessing my camera couldnt get the right WB to go with it. i guess i should have cleared up that the lighting IS the subject lol
I'd have titled it 'Blue Narcissus.'

It's looking at itself in the mirror, hence the narcissism, and it's blue rather than 'green' with envy.

I see what you mean about cropping the dead space at the top. It leaves the lamps too high in the composition.

I wonder if when you re-do, you could figure out something not so 'dead' to use in that space.

I'm 'envious' of the lack of noise on the wall. :wink:
I'd have titled it 'Blue Narcissus.'

It's looking at itself in the mirror, hence the narcissism, and it's blue rather than 'green' with envy.

I see what you mean about cropping the dead space at the top. It leaves the lamps too high in the composition.

I wonder if when you re-do, you could figure out something not so 'dead' to use in that space.

I'm 'envious' of the lack of noise on the wall. :wink:

i guess when i look at the second picture the light on top is envious of the blue lights color. thats where i got it from at least. hmm, maybe if i took the shot from behind the white light looking into the mirror it might make more sense.

as for the noise, i just got noise ninja and it worked wonders :p then again i dont think there was that much to begin with; i think it was shot at ISO 400.

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