File Size and Quality


TPF Noob!
Apr 18, 2008
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
As a general rule I like to save my files for the web at about 800 x ?? pixels. My question is how do I keep that general size and keep high quality resolution for viewing, but with a low kb? Like 350kb or so. I see alot of shots that are even larger than 800 x, but are only 300kb +/-.
What software?

In Photoshop, I can save at 800 px and quality 8 in the compression screen and I get around 150-300 kb depending on what is in the image. I can't see a difference in quality over the max quality setting.
There are two factors to consider when saving a JPEG file of web viewing. The first is size, which you have a handle on. Then next is compression or quality setting. You can usually 'turn down' the quality (increase the compression) quite a bit before it becomes visible in the image. I don't hesitate to use 8 (out of 12) or sometimes even 6 or 7 when I want a smaller file size.
Thanks guys, I usually just save at 12, thinking better quality. Will lower it then for the web.

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