First Macros


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 29, 2008
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N Georgia
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I just tried out my new macro lens. The light source was too harsh on the leaf shot so I got the blown out reflections. :( And the 2nd shot- is it too bland? Anyway, I'm enjoying my new toy! :)


is the 2nd picture a cut tomato? I really like the first shot alot - I love the colors in it :thumbup:
i think the first shot is a bit off in its focus... the whole leaf should be sharp as nails... what lens?
i think the first shot is a bit off in its focus... the whole leaf should be sharp as nails... what lens?
Pentax DA 35mm. It was f8 @ 1 sec (I believe) and the leaf was attached to the plant, so any stray air current had a bad effect on the exposure, plus the leaf is not exactly flat, which was the cause of the focus thing on the left, I think. Does more than the far right portion seem off-focus to you? Certainly, my setup or environmental factors are more likely to cause things to go awry than the lens itself. :lmao: Maybe I should try it with a "liberated" leaf?

And yes that is a tomato. For being a ho-hum model, I ate it.
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Very nice. You can actually see the cell structure in that tomato! :thumbup:
Thanks, all! And do get a macro ASAP. :)

I'm loving my Pentax DA 35 Ltd. BTW- super lightweight and compact, and I am more and more impressed with it's optical qualities.
The second one looks like a monster with its arm up to its face, his wearing a hood and the green things are its eyes and mouth. Badass

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