First "model" shoot. (Tfp)


TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Kentucky
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
CC welcomed! Im super new to all of this.


  • $uploadfromtaptalk1377238218184.jpg
    103.1 KB · Views: 191
  • $uploadfromtaptalk1377238248798.jpg
    94.6 KB · Views: 194
Both a little heavy on the processing.

#1 not too bad.
#2 Good thing you got the plant in the frame otherwise this shot would be off balance. #2 should have been in portrait orientation, and including all of her belt buckle.
C&C per req:

1. Awkward crop; always try to avoid cropping limbs right at/on/near joints such as the elbows here. You've lost a lot of detail in her hair below her chin. A reflector, properly placed would have reduced the depth of shadow here and added some nice catchlights to her eyes.

2. Her expression seems to say, "Are we done yet?" Remember that as the photographer, you are responsible for more than just pressing the shutter-release. This image seems rather under-exposed, and in need of fill light. I would suggest using longer focal lenghts and larger apertures to minimize the depth of field in your shots, and while the plant does, to some extent balance the subject, I think this would have been much better in portrait orientation.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

The crop on #1 gives the impression that her head is IMMENSE, somehow.

Too much yellow, softness, fake-vintage going on. Did you use some sort of preset or instagramming/hipstamatic software on these? Straighter is generally better. If the aftereffects jump out at you, you've gone too far, the picture is lost behind the effects (to a degree).
I like both! She's a hottie, too. Well done. I think the effects go well with her attitude.
rozeena, welcome to TPF; if you would like to share your with the forum, I would ask that you please start your own thread in the People (or whichever gallery is appropriate for the subject matter) gallery and not hijack someone else's.

rozeena, your photographs are horrible. I hate them on every conceivable axis.

If you posted them in your own thread I might find them almost magically improved, however!
Rozeena is posting copyright protected material. Tirediron, please take note how the watermark on each is a different name.
Who is rozenna? And I screen shotted them and posted from my phone which was probably a really bad idea. Thanks for the cc but I need to post whole pic obviously. Let me go back and send full frame.

Many blessings
Who is rozenna? And I screen shotted them and posted from my phone which was probably a really bad idea. Thanks for the cc but I need to post whole pic obviously. Let me go back and send full frame.

Many blessings

Rozenna was someone who was posting whilst you were gone. They have since been eradicated from your thread. :sillysmi:

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