First photo upload


TPF Noob!
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I am new here and I am trying to figure out how to post a photo.


let me know if you can see it
Works all right, but at 1600px wide it is too big by far for any web-presentation. Downsize it to a maximum width of 800px and you're done :D. It is a beautiful photo! Lovely scenery!

Welcome to ThePhotoForum.
Thanks for the tip! Is that better? :)
Yessss! Thank you! :D
Now go post this in Landscape and Nature ... or shall I just move this thread over to there? For I feel that is where it belongs.
Where is this, by the way?
Would this be a better size for my photos?

Well, think of those who still work with old, low res monitors ... they will not be able to see a picture of 1053px width in one go, they will have to scroll horizontally. At 800px wide, everyone should be able to see the pic at once, that is why we say: best downsize your pics to a maximum width of 800px. See?
Yeah it's fine to move it. Thanks for the advice one more time.
I changed the second photo to a landscape to be consistent.

How exciting!
Good idea :idea: :D ... ok, this is on the move now...

It has moved ... and I changed the title while it was on the way since you are now no longer testing - you are now one of our new, quite knowledgeable, established new members, aren't you?

Welcome to the Forum again.

And do tell: where is all this beautiful scenery???
Ok now I understand about image size, I am so used to having a high resolution monitor that I take it for granted.

Oh sorry forgot to mention, the first photo is at Carson City, Nevada and the second one was leaving Nevada going west.

"you are now one of our new, quite knowledgeable, established new members, aren't you?"
Thanks for the compliments, but I am just a beginner and my husband gave me my first real camera. I hope to learn many useful hints and learn from everyone on this forum.
My husband is a msg board addict so I am learning a lot from him too. ;)
These are indeed lovely locations, but you're suffering at the moment with harsh early spring sunlight on drab brown and dull green scenery. My lanscapes from a month ago were like this, but now that there is new growth the colours are saturating and everything looks so much nicer. I think if you take exactly the same shots in a few weeks they will look stunning, especially if you get up early make the most of the morning light.
Your camera also appears to be overexposing the scenes.
Hey guys,
I am back to the forum.. My second day.
Thank you for the compliments..
So how is the camera overexposing my photos? You thing they are too bright?

ok I hope you guys have not left this forum, then I will feel like I am talking to myself.:lol:

Oh, and I am not in nevada now, that was just a stop on the way to alaska. It is looking really brown still up here in anchorage! morning and evening light last forever up here though!

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