First Shoots, Yeah I am new to this


TPF Noob!
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Yes there is a typo in the title but I dont know how to change it

Here are my first landscape attempts (i hope that the images work and the size is alright)

Comments and tips will be appreciated and keep in mind I am new to photography.




Also I have done nothing but crop these photos, If you had some tips on how to touch them up in Photoshop I could give that a shot.
Hi, welcome to the forums!
I really like the composition of your first shot; I just wish the brightness/contrast was touched up a bit. Looks like a cloud went right over you and brought you in darkness, so to speak..
I wonder if you could have zoomed in more on the bridge; seems like some dead space at the bottom of this picture.
I also like the composition of your third photo; just that it also seems a little dark but with a slight haze in the sky. Was it midday?
So far, I see you have a good eye and just need to keep snapping them pictures and learn from them...
Thanks for sharing... :)
Ok, thanks a lot for the comments and tips. I still have to upload and find a lot more of my pictures so I will be posting more.

Could brightness/contrast be touched up in photoshop?
Is there any good way to get rid of the haze, without going back to Wales?:wink:

Thanks again
I tried messing with it, but I am not really experienced with photo-touch-up in photoshop

Hi and welcome.

I love the look and feel of #3, the shadows from the clouds helps to bring out the scale I think.

Peter Witham
The edit is much better IMHO. I like your pictures...they have demension and texture to them :) I hope that makes sense. It kinda feels like I am looking out a window at a view instead of at a flat image.
My only issue as others have said a bit dark in 1-2 but thats what PS is for.
Here is another edit of the first one.


What do you think of it now.
Here is another edit of the first one.

Somewhere in between. The second one is too grey IMO.

On the second one of the bridge, I like the composition. If you have them, try an ND or preferably Polarizer filter.
try this. Google proper adjustment tech. pay attention to color balance, curves.. learn what midtones, highlights, and shawdows do, learn to use diffrent filters. When your taking your photo also look at your lcd, but dont only rely on it. Switch it up to see the histogram and make sure your RGB and White Balance are correct. Another thing. Use tripod.. your trees are a bit blurry. Not to bad though. Pretty good composition. I also like the last one you posted. Maybe brighten it up a little bit, but comp is good, i like how you set the horizon more towards the top then the bottom to get the whole valley. your second photos lighting is great. comp is ok, and a nitpick is the road on the left. could have done with out it. Over all.. nice shots. just learn some more of the easy stuff to touch them up to be beautiful

Yeah thanks, the field picture was taken in hand from a stopped car, so not ideal conditions but I understand what you mean. I used to be always taking "snapshots", but now I am thinking how to set up things in the photo, how to work with the lighting etc. but I am still learning

When I took these pictures I was trying to take good photos, but I did not understand about what makes a good picture (lighting, composition, etc). But thanks to this forum and books I have learned a lot and my photos have improved.

I am also just learning about post processing and will google "proper adjustment tech." and hope to learn more about it.

Thanks for all the helpful comments, this forum has really helped me!!!! (look forward to some new pictures up in the next week)
Anytime man. Just remember.
Technical Aspects

And youll be fine. Once you learn the 3 main elements to make a great picture, youll continually progress. Practice shots with bright colors, practice low light. Practice Depth of field. Learn What and how shutter speeds, aperatures (f./ stop #), and iso (film speed) do and affect your photographs. My best advice, everytime you take a picture, write down in a notebook the settings you used. and when you veiw the pictures, see what settings you used. see what the picture looked like. and adjust to what you think will make it better. go out and reshoot.
Sounds like a great idea, and a good way to progress.

Thanks a lot!!
This one is absolutely crazy awesome picture. The composition on this one is perfect. All I did was add a little contrast.

Thanks BoblyBill. I like it better with more contrast. When I saw the winding river leading into the ocean on a hike and thought it would make a great subject.

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