First test run at self portraits


TPF Noob!
Nov 14, 2011
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South Florida
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Hello, been a while. I decided to finally attempt some self portraits. I've wanted to for quite sometime, but incredibly apprehensive. Just nerves. These were more of a test run to see if I could do it. I plan on doing more this weekend in a more pleasent setting with a better background. I had no tripod so I had to get creative haha!


Self portrait by blackrose1981, on Flickr


Self portrait by blackrose1981, on Flickr


Self portriat by blackrose1981, on Flickr

Since I love to draw... lol

Self portrait by blackrose1981, on Flickr

#5 I look like such a dork in this one haha

Self portrait by blackrose1981, on Flickr
Not bad; self portraits are about the toughest thing to shoot. 1/2 could have used a little fill light...
Thank you. It'll be even easier next time with my tripod.
Not sure if I should trash bin the last one. I think my expression looks goofy...
It really depends on what look you're going for, but if you're going to use props like the coloured pencils, remember that the details are what separate good shots from great ones. Arrange them in colour order, have them all the same [visible] length, evenly fanned, etc.
tirediron said:
It really depends on what look you're going for, but if you're going to use props like the coloured pencils, remember that the details are what separate good shots from great ones. Arrange them in colour order, have them all the same [visible] length, evenly fanned, etc.

I was just trying to incorporate them because I love to draw so I was trying to add a detail that was me-esque. But I think it just looks goofy...
Good job! I photography myself a lot, and it is hard to get a good photo. I had to use a stool with books on it until I bought a tripod. Now I use a remote timer. Makes it so much easier. The only problem is to be quick and hide the remote before the shot is taken. Keep practicing, and practice poses in the mirror to determine your best side to pose from. I pick up little tricks on here that seem to help such as someone mentioned to use an object to focus on where you would be positioned. It helps.
Thank you! Yeah I tried focusing it on the wall behind me to try to get it to focus in the right spot. I have so many epic fail photos from this session trying to figure out how to focus a self portrait. I finally got a hand on it though :) .

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