

TPF Noob!
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I haven't really been photographing for that long and I don't have a lot of photographs which I really like, but for some reason I really like this one, and I would appreciate some feedback. Both negative and positive are welcome, because I really want to improve.


Thanks in advance. :sillysmi:
ok. since you asked for feedback... i don't understand why take photos of flowers in B&W since color is a big part of their beauty. that aside the composition would have been better if the In focus flower would have been a little to the right.
ok. since you asked for feedback... i don't understand why take photos of flowers in B&W since color is a big part of their beauty. that aside the composition would have been better if the In focus flower would have been a little to the right.

Some flowers have the tonal range/depth to appeal to people in balck and white. Their beauty also lies in their shape and form. So there's really no reason why some one shouldn't take a flower picture in black and white.

Oh yeah, nice BW processing, i like this style. Compositionally i think it does some what lack.
maybe cropping the flowers would be a better effect?

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