Foggy day


TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

and i was bored so i messed around with it in PS a little


C&C both if you want

i decided to keep the horizon in the middle because the fog created a nearly blank backdrop so i thought it would look good with the tree bleeding into the top
I like the effect! What did you do?
Cool, I really like the effect you applied. I looked back and forth a few times. I imagine you also flipped it.
well actually its a different picture but from the same location. basically i added a layer, applied the cutout filter and then upped the contrast
The first one is excellent. Pretty good composition. I just wish there wasn't abunch of junk in the back, behind the fog. like buildings.

the second one.

it is just terrible.
The edit completely ruined the photo. The photo could be alot better.. remove the edit and it will improve a great amount.
the second one.

it is just terrible.
The edit completely ruined the photo. The photo could be alot better.. remove the edit and it will improve a great amount.
I disagree. While I do think the tree looks a bit odd, the grass looks pretty cool IMO. I guess it just made it that bit more of an interesting photo to me...
Well, the effect applied is a matter of taste and does not meet mine.
But I do like the simplicity of the first photo and the hint of a background scene hidden by the fog, the muted colours, sharpness of the tree and remains of snow on the ground. The first one is much to my taste.

But like I said: it is all subjective!
Thanks for the comments guys i appreciate all of them, even the ones knocking the pictures:D
The first one is excellent. Pretty good composition. I just wish there wasn't abunch of junk in the back, behind the fog. like buildings.

the second one.

it is just terrible.
The edit completely ruined the photo. The photo could be alot better.. remove the edit and it will improve a great amount.

i understand some of the dislike for the edit but im glad you at least like the first one

But I do like the simplicity of the first photo and the hint of a background scene hidden by the fog

the background is actually where they mine for salt for morton salt
Yes, I can tell it is something "industrial" and I like it as a - made very mild by the fog - contrast to the simple bit of nature we get to see in your foreground here.
i never saw it like that, great observation:)

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