For the birds


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 3, 2012
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I put this window feeder up and have been trying out different bird seed mixes with no interest from the local wildlife. Until..

And then she settled in.

In salmon and steelhead fishing when an angler finds a hole,riffle, or run that is loaded with fish, there's a natural tendency to do what we call, "camp on it". I see that squirrels might also have the same tendency...
In salmon and steelhead fishing when an angler finds a hole,riffle, or run that is loaded with fish, there's a natural tendency to do what we call, "camp on it". I see that squirrels might also have the same tendency...

Hmmm, now that I think about it. I did something similar with the thanksgiving dinner food.

Thanks Ron, I wish there were birds to keep away!
In salmon and steelhead fishing when an angler finds a hole,riffle, or run that is loaded with fish, there's a natural tendency to do what we call, "camp on it". I see that squirrels might also have the same tendency...

Hmmm, now that I think about it. I did something similar with the thanksgiving dinner food.

Thanks Ron, I wish there were birds to keep away!

Here is one my wife took today:

2. I initially wanted to scream bloody murder when I saw a squirrel in a feeder.
3. Then I saw her curled up and went "awwww".

If you put some cayenne pepper in the seed it will probably dissuade them. Don't do too much or it'll dissuade the birds too.
Yeah, my littlest points frantically and makes barking noises at it. Now I don't have the heart to chase it away or tell him that it isn't a dog. Plus, squirrels!
franticly? :p

With great abandon.
That^ was funny. But, you got it right the first time.
Oh yeah, and squirrels gotta eat too.
With merciless unrelenting franticalness.

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