Friday the 13th


TPF Noob!
May 29, 2005
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Okay, I know that this is completely random, but does anybody know how many Friday the 13th movies there actually were? I mean, the last one I saw was Part 8, and Jason dies, but he died in all the other movies, too... So, how many are there? o.o;
If I remember right. There was 8. Then the Jason vs. Freddy one.
I though "Takes Manhatten" was the last at 8.
11 in total. now thats counting "jason x" and "freddy vs jason"

youll be hard pressed to find a bigger horror fan than me :)

jason goes to hell.

remember the one where the girl is in the woods taking a shower and she hears jason and leads him on a chase through the woods until a firing squad greets him and blows him up? but then the wierd black guy doctor eats his heart and becomes jason???



ch ch ch ha ha ha
Ah, yeah, I figured by your avatar you had a thing for sci-fi. XP Yeah, okay, thanks for that. I didn't actually think anybody would know. I just recently saw 8, and after he died, I was just kind of like: "...No... Jason... You're dead..?" Then I died a little on the inside...
supposedly, kane hodder has refused to play jason(from rumors i have heard) and no director will touch a new jason movie.

but im sure it will be picked up and reborn again as something else.

Really, I hope he's not. Sequels nowadays just slaughter the prequels, sadly enough. StarWars did okay, and so did Jurassic Park, and Friday the 13th, but those were lucky classics. They're practically untouchable, now.

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