getting old


TPF Noob!
Jun 12, 2007
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took this picture on the train, it was very crowded so limited space, a little bit of post processing, sharpening, grainy, black and white, and here it is...

taken between different rail guards and stuff on the train that you can hold on to

It's a really nice shot, but I think it would be better if you cropped out the obstructions from the top and right. We can't tell what they are, so they're just distracting.
Yeah they are KIND OF distracting, but I still think the shot is stellar and just has TONS of emotion to it. I think its a great shot! :)

(I may be a little biased, I work with the elderly, and have a fond respect for them) :mrgreen:
Very strong photo - well done here.
The presence of the two bars (mostly so the horizontal one through his head) is debateable, they neither help nor distract and I feel that the face as such and its lines and expression are so strong, this photo will work always.

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