"Goodbye Darling"


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Supporting Member
Jun 2, 2013
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These were from my very last photo shoot in PDX. A couple of my close photographer friends and models friends set up a simple shoot just to get together and have fun before I moved, and these were my favorite shots. The title is really about the feeling of me saying goodbye rather than really having anything to do with the concept. It's been a month since I moved and this is the first time I've touched any of these shots.


I'm with binga here
I'm sure leaving your friends was bittersweet. You've moved on to bigger and better things, though. Great shots, as always!
both are fantastic to me.
Loving # 1. IMO it has a vintage feel. The oval shape picture on the wall and sofa/chair add to that feel, I think. I just love the color and use of natural light. I also think she has a lovely profile. Very Nice.
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Thanks for the comments! They both have a very nostalgic feeling to me, but two very separate feelings as well. Personally I wouldn't be able to pick one over the other.
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For me, the second has way more emotion. I just want to reach out and hug her or something. Lovely shots as always Dan.

I love the second one because of its symmetry and how the light hits her face. It 's interesting to note that the rays are localized only on the face on the left side of the photo and everywhere except on the hair on the right side
I love #1! Definitely has that 'left me at the door' feel and look. Nice job Dan the Man.
I love the second one because of its symmetry and how the light hits her face. It 's interesting to note that the rays are localized only on the face on the left side of the photo and everywhere except on the hair on the right side
I love using window light, especially when it's intense enough to cast shadows through the blinds. It's funny, I was there with a group of photographers who are my friends, and all of them were trying to avoid using those shadows, until after I put the model in them to show them what it could add to the mood and believability to the shot, especially with the way she was styled.
I like number one. Maybe it needs more space to tell a story better. "My love is off fighting the Germans and I'm left alone (A bit more negative space behind her to portray the loneliness in her heart) and I’ll look out the window everyday hoping he will be standing out there."
I don't like number two. In fact (and don't get mad at me plz) I hate it. I don't feel the sophistication as I do in the first one. "btw, did I mention I'm alone ;) "

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