Haggard angel (self ports)....

Thanks guys, this certainly was good practice for me.... and made a very boring day stuck at home more interesting... i doubt i'll be using them for anything tho... other than my avatar :p

I need strobes... Great shots!

na you dont... i dont have any lighting equipment at all!... not so much as a flash gun.
These were shot with a large (patio door) window.... a big piece of white foam board (about 5ft) and a smaller piece.... thats it.
I wanted it to be back lit so it kinda looked like 'heavenly light' behind me, so i was stood in front of the window (with white blinds half open) with the bright sunlight behind me.... i then directed the light back to my face by having the huge foam board in front of me... and the smaller board to the side.
You can tell the suns behind me by that piece of hair in the first one thats lit up and almost disappearing... its also why part of my shirt disappears.

You are aware of the amount of sex appeal these two photos have, Arch, aren't you?
You must be!!!
I mean they are just ................................

no :greenpbl: ......... :mrgreen:
I think I found my new online crush.:heart: hubba hubba!!!!:sexywink:
do you have any more self ports to share???
Ahhhhh.......this is too much to bear.

Arch, you're a women crusher and I'm envious.

To be young again.....................
youv'e certainly impressed the girls. Inc myself ^_^ Lovely shots! I adore the second one! You look cute when your all confused :)
Those are very nice. I 'm sick right now and I sure wouldn't let anyone take my picture let alone take my own!!!! hahaha. No fair!
And I definately like it better in your avatar. The old picture was cool but it made me feel like you would be mean or something. lol.
MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
rrrrr .... these images will make you get all the girls! I am green with envy!!

Thanks for commenting guys ;)

do you have any more self ports to share???

:blushing: .... um yea.... ok i'll share the ones with the cowboy hat!.... but now i'm all embaressed. :mrgreen:

Those are very nice. I 'm sick right now and I sure wouldn't let anyone take my picture let alone take my own!!!! hahaha. No fair!
And I definately like it better in your avatar. The old picture was cool but it made me feel like you would be mean or something. lol.

lol... me, mean.... mwahahaaaha.... ok i am a little. (j/k)

Thanks again guys and BTW im all better now.

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