Hello :D


TPF Noob!
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello everyone! My name is Laura and I'm from Vancouver Island in Canada. I'm 25 years old and I have a 9 month old daughter. I got a Rebel XS a few years ago but used it as a point and shoot pretty much. I've learned a lot since then though and now I use nothing but the manual mode and I am shooting in the RAW format.

Hubby just got me a Canon Rebel T3i for mother's day but we've been in the process of moving so I haven't had much time to play around with it yet :(.

Looking forward to looking around and learning a lot!
Hi, Laura! Welcome to TPF.

Take photos, post for critique and absorb the tips and help you'll get. Be ready for some seemingly harsh comments. Remember, the truth can sometimes be hard :)

So, again, welcome. I'll see you around! :D
I'm sure that harsh is okay as long as I can learn from it lol.
I'm sure that harsh is okay as long as I can learn from it lol.

Hehe, Read through some of the longer CC's, it may change your mind or at least to be very picky on what you post up.
it will harden your skin a little.

Welcome from a fellow Canuk!
I have been reading through I think I'm prepared but we will see I've been looking for somewhere that will give an honest review of the photo itself. Most people that see my pictures just see my baby and go awww lol.

I could probably use with some thicker skin. And if I can't then your right I'll just have to be picky lol.

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