

TPF Noob!
Mar 30, 2010
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What's up guys! I'm Brian and I been into photography for a long time and I finally have enough to buy my own camera. I am currently a high school student who is into cars. So most of my photography is going to be on cars. I do not own the camera yet but soon. I am here to learn a little more about photography before I go out to buy the right camera to begin my career. If you guys don't mind, can some of you guys help me deiced which camera should I get, I am a Nikon Kind of guy. I am debating between a D3000 or a D5000. Thanks! (Sorry for the long introduction) :p
welcome ,sit back and hold on. no really you should go to the beginners section and start reading the new/old posts you'll find a lot of great info
Thanks for the welcome but I do not get why you had to say sit down and hold on.
Well guys I have decide on the Nikon D3000. I was at the Samy's and they said there is not that much difference between the 3000 and 5000 beside the video. I didn't really care, because I still wanted the 5000 but I went with my dad and he wouldn't let me buy the 5000 because we already had a video camera at home.

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