I need help editing this...


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
There is a glare by the glasses...I don't know how to fix this. Can someone please help??? If you need to contact me, my email is [email protected] Thanks in advance!

And maybe the red eye?
I moved this to a more appropriate Forum. But first things first... The glare and the red eyes are the least of your problems. You need to focus better to start with.
Its out of focus.
Off topic, but you really should remove your actual eddress: there are spybots that roam forums for people's eddresses so they can spam you... or worse...
I kinda disagree with just plain old deleting... What if it's the only pic of the night? It's still good for memories years down the road, and still OK for a scrape book. I have (way too many) shots like that from various sources, and yes, cringe, they are nasty, but they are great for memories. If the time / event can be recreated, then yes, by all means take a better shot.
I'm with TwoRails, and by the plea of the OP to help "rescue" this one (which, dear "girl", is beyond rescuing, I'm afraid), we can almost hear how this may well be the only one of the event she has. So why bin it? Who knows, he might be "Nick", after all!

So, do keep it, but there is no way to make this any better. It is too out of focus for that, "Nick's Girl". Sorry.

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