I'm looking into flashes now.


TPF Noob!
Sep 11, 2008
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Lil Weezyana
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I have a Nikon D70. I'm looking to go further in skate photography, and purchase a flash. I've been looking at the Vivitar 285HV, and Nikon SB-28.

I'm leaning more toward the Sb-28, due to it being a Nikon. Which would you prefer though?

Which would work better for an off-camera flash? Which would be easier to communicate with a slave? Which would work better in general?
SB 600, 800, or 900.
Yeah, I'm 15, with no job, and no real way of getting money. I'm not going to be able to afford any of those. Thanks anyway though, jackass.
Yeah, I'm 15, with no job, and no real way of getting money. I'm not going to be able to afford any of those. Thanks anyway though, jackass.

You asked for the flash that would be best in all of those areas. You stated you had a D70, with no mention of a budget. I gave you a legit answer, get over it.

If you are going to get offended because people don't automatically assume you are on a strict budget, then try stating you are on a strict budget.
I listed two flashes. I asked for which one of the two should I purchase.
And the point is, both aren't great.

See, the SB-28 is mainly for film SLRs... manual mode and no TTL for flash on digital SLRs.

At least try and get a second hand SB 600. If you're interested enough, you should be prepared to give some leeway on your budget.
I listed two flashes. I asked for which one of the two should I purchase.

If you list two flashes with no reason for those two, then it's left to the readers to assume why you listed only two. Is it budget related? Are they just too lazy to research other options? Did a friend tell them they should get those? Again, get over yourself. I know at that age you think you know everything, but making yourself clearer to others will get you much further than being a punk.

What exactly is your budget, kid?
And the point is, both aren't great.

See, the SB-28 is mainly for film SLRs... manual mode and no TTL for flash on digital SLRs.

At least try and get a second hand SB 600. If you're interested enough, you should be prepared to give some leeway on your budget.

'Is the wrong answer'

For remote firing, which is the preferred method of triggering for lighting a skate shot, whether using pocket wizard's, poverty wizards or even simple pc sync cords, you need full manual mode.

Nikon's CLS is the only system that benefits from ITTL support when it comes down to remote firing (SB-600, 800, 900), and the new PW's for Nikon aren't even released yet.

So, your quite wrong. Maybe take a walk down this road.

The Vivitar units are good for the money but check that power output can be turned up and also turned down, moving a strobe backward or away from your subject to diminish the power blows ass, the quality of light gets real thin and harsh.
Personally if the 28's aren't going for silly money, grab a couple.

PS, Everyone's attitude above, sucks. Sort it out and be happy :Joker:
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I have a couple of Sunpak 383 Supers that I use off camera with the gadgetinfinity triggers. These work amazing, you just have to keep new batteries in them.

I am assuming the vivitars are comparable because most of the strobist community recommends either one. so i don't think you can go wrong. and with the cost of either, you won't be out a ton and can always upgrade at a later date. these are great for beginners and everyone beyond.

josh220, get over yourself! he clearly asked between two flashes which one would work best off camera with slaves. To me, that means that he wants an opinion on either the vivitar or the sb-28. just because you read his question wrong, and clearly find him young and stupid, don't be too big to admit you misunderstood him. plus i think his jackass remark was clearly sarcasm. chill out, man.
If you are going to use them off camera, go with the vivitar. They are great and pretty much the standard in the strobist community. If you are daling with a budget, you cannot go wrong with them.

Look at what Zack does with it. www.zackarias.com
Alright. Also, how are ebay slaves? I've decided on the 285HV's.
I have the CTR-301P set and they work great. Having said that, I am thinking on trying out the Cactus V2s with the mod for long range. Why? Because I love to tinker with stuff. :)

My friend just got the Cactus V4 set. It's got good range right out of the box, and he has had no issues with it working with his Vivitar or his Canon 580 EXII.

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