Ink's architectural 52 weeks photo challenge


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 5, 2014
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I think that everything that is mobilizing You to do whatever You like and keep development is worth trying, isn't it?
This is another experiment which I hope will help me in maintenance the progress.
Any critics and comments are appreciated - I will do my best to improve my photos in line with Your thoughts!

- One publication in a week or so (one or two day delays are possible in case of some business trips and so on).
- Architecture/cityscapes/details/minimals shall be the topic
- No other restrictions :)

- Become better, more accurate photographer.
- Getting used to regular photo trips.
- Know my gear better.
- Improve processing skills.

Request from the audience:
- C&C highly appreciated! :)

- Week 1 -

PFC #week 1 by rzuc-butem, on Flickr
Last edited:
Don't forget to read books of good photographers and teachers. The most important thing is knowing own vision.
What is the goal of this picture ?
I see nature subdued and compartmentalised by the brute force of human endeavour - while the genuine titanic power of nature sailing high above, gazes down with benign tolerance.
look at the right side of the frame, the building line is not parallel to the frame. can be fixed easily
This appears to be primarily the space between two buildings with stairs as an area of interest. As spaces go, this is pretty much bland. I realize there is a row of benches or tables under the awning, but since it is such a small part of the composition, it is completely lost.
Thanks a lot for comments/suggestions given so far.

The purpose/topic of the photo:
It's hard to say since it obviously has no clear and visible topic - whatever I will say - it is not right that it's not clear for the viewer. Good point though.
What was my purpose? I was looking for something new in the neighborhood that I really well know (which is always a tough task for me) and seeking for the proper light (which has made some serious problems on the wall and implicated that most of the scene is out of good light - bland as You said) I've discovered that there are 3 main lines (left, right and bottom) which are running towards the building in the center (background). I thought that those may be a good eye drivers so I let them exist in the main parts (in line with the rule of thirds).

I assume that it went all wrong? What do You say timor?

mmaria - I've rechecked it - it is a minor problem - You are right, thanks for sharing suggestion:)

E: I've read a lot of photography books available here in Poland (not only domestic photographers though) but feel free to suggest any valuable positions that will help me improve the creativeness/skills etc.! Many thanks!
I've discovered that there are 3 main lines (left, right and bottom) which are running towards the building in the center (background). I thought that those may be a good eye drivers ..

Leading lines help the composition when they lead the eye toward a primary focal point. The building in the background is too distant and too small to be a main part of the composition.

I like where you're going with this project, so try to read some books specifically about architectural photography.
How it went ? Depends. I can see clear picture with well defined colours. I can see this three prominent lines leading through the passage between the buildings. Then I see a multitude of details which is dazzling mi eyes. Many of them repeated twice as a reflections. Many too small, to make them out, others are mixed together like reflection of sky and pattern of windows frames.For the eye it was looking good, I am sure about it, but photography is only two dimensional beast and compresses the view. IMHO the picture is way to rich in lines and detail. Compare that to "Birds in the City", also full of detail but how different and clear. :D
Timor, thanks again for valuable feedback! I will try to retake this shot considering all Your ideas and suggestions (hope to catch such light once more time!).

Once again, if You think about particular books that my be helpful, please share the title.

I have to admit that it is hard for me to find interesting one because I feel that most of them (at least available in bookstores here in Poland) have to general approach (in order to be valuable for wide audience) and are not useful at all. Although I have read a few very valuable but it's not a pattern.
Here is Amazon's offerings of books by Julius Schulman: julius schulman: Books

I have had the privilege of taking a one-day seminar with him and own one of his books.
NICE shot! I'm excited to see the progress on this thread.

Thank You all for submitted so far feedback - I hope I can read some more basing on below submitted photo :)
As an short introduction - it is a brand new museum (modern one) of Polish history (to be precise the beginnings of Polish State) :)

- Week 2 -

ICHOT #week 2 by rzuc-butem, on Flickr

This shot would be fine as the beginning of a series of shots showing a visitor's experience at entering and walking through the museum.
Designer, thanks a lot for Your feedback!
Unfortunately I had not enough time to wait for visitors (that was a lazy day and fortunately for me the traffic was limited).

I'm curious what conclusion should I make basing on limited feedback given so far (thanks again Designer!)?

Is it as bad? What should I change in order to make it right and more attractive? Every feedback will be helpful!
You don't necessarily need anyone in the photos, just aim and shoot as you walk in. The viewers of your photography would then see what you experienced. Ideally, each photograph would have something of a clue in it as to where in the building it was taken and how it relates to the previous photograph(s).

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