Is my speedlite broken?


TPF Noob!
Jul 4, 2009
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Is it normal for a speedlite to take almost half a minute to recharge?

When I point my camera far away from the subject it takes forever to recharge, almost a minute, but when I point it closer, it only takes a few seconds to recharge.

Is my speedlite broken? I seen people using it at 6.5fps, a couple of shots, before it recharges!

SETUP: 430EX-II, ETTL mode, bounce mode, camera on manual
You're using E-TTL so the camera and flash are deciding how much flash power is required per shot. The amount of power used by the flash will effect the recycle rate. Full power shots will drain the capacitor so it takes longer to recycle. When less power is used the capacitors still have some charge left and so it takes less time to recycle.

If you're far from your subject it takes more flash power to illuminate the scene. If you're close to your subject it takes less power to illuminate the scene.

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Everything Samanax says is truth, but... 30 seconds to charge, though? It shouldn't take that long on a full charge. The only time I've seen that is when the batteries are low.
Oh yeah...what kind of batteries are you using? Alkalines will perform worse than NiMH rechargeable batteries.
Yeah...if it isn't your batteries sounds like a capacitor(s) failing to charge correctly.
How are your batteries? It is possible that one of the batteries is weak, or even near death. Pointing the flash a long ways distant will cause the capacitor to discharge its full,complete stored charge; pointing it at a close subject, the flash will not use the full charge,and will recycle faster.

Once a full-discharge takes more than 15 seconds, I consider the batteries to be in serious need of recharge,or replacement if they are alkalines.

perhaps your battery charger is malfunctioning,or more likely, one battery is going bad. Have you tried other complete battery sets? If you have and the problem persists, it's time to look at the battery contacts and see if there might be a contact problem.
what NiMH rechargeable batteries kit do u guys use?
I use Panasonic NiMH (2050mAh). If you're using alkaline batteries, that's why your recycle times are so poor; not a problem with the flash at all. You need to get yourself better batteries; alkaline batteries have an incredible amount of electrical resistance in comparison to NiMH batteries, so the flash can't draw power from them nearly as quickly.

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