January arthropods


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 16, 2015
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1) Mite Keston Common. The real size is 1.24 mm, magnifcation is 3.7
MiteIMG_2004 by davholla2002, on Flickr

2) Centipede from my garden. The real size is 13.42 mm, magnifcation is 1.2

Centipede IMG_1947. by davholla2002, on Flickr

3) Woodlice Keston Common. For the larger one the real size is 3.3 mm, for the smaller one the real size is 2.95 mm, magnifcation is 3.0

WoodliceIMG_2012 by davholla2002, on Flickr

4) Spider Keston Common, the real size is 3.58 mm, magnifcation is 1.8
SpiderIMG_2033 by davholla2002, on Flickr

5) At last an insect, Galerucella nymphaeae Beetle Keston Common, the real size is 6.67 mm, magnifcation is 1.4
Sadly not a great shot but an interesting subject as I managed to get it identified and submitted to Irecord

BeetleIMG_2019 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Nice set! Some people like them better when deep fried and crunchy.
Another fine set. What a colorful centipede.
Nice set Dave, I think that might be your best mite shot yet.
Thank you very much.
Another fine set. What a colorful centipede.
Thank you
Hopefully not found in your bed...
No all outside - and all very tiny.
Nice set of horrible looking creatures.......
Thank you
Nice set! Some people like them better when deep fried and crunchy.
A bit small to eat to be honest
Just making a reference to the insects that people deep fry by the hundreds if not thousands to get more protein from them than we would from eating a steak. ;)

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