Junior at the Helm - C&C please

Captain IK

TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
Windsor, ON. Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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This is a shot of my Grandson at the helm of a 43' Morgan sailboat. It looks over exposed to me but on the other hand the blacks appear black and there is a lot of white in the shot.
Should I leave it alone or adjust?

Any comments are appreciated.
The short answer is yes. And no. Overall, the exposure is good with respect to the subject, though as mentioned a little fill-light around his face wouldn't hurt. The sky however is exposed and rather featureless. I'm not really sure how big a deal that is, since it really doesn't add or detract (IMO) significantly from the image.

I'd try a little more work in post just to lighten the area around the boy's face and call it done. You've got a nice image.
Well the whites are underexposed, coming out as grey, and the sky is overexposed. I'm no expert, but maybe a flash would have helped to fill in the shadows on the subject, and lighten the whites on the boat. Maybe a CPL would have helped to darken the sky? It's a very nice shot though, and I think an accurate representation of the scene might actually weaken the image.

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