Keep your hands warm

midget patrol

TPF Noob!
Apr 14, 2006
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Fairfax, VA
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I couldn't think of a more reasonable place to put this, so it's here. Mods, feel free to move it.

When taking photos in winter, how do you keep your hands warm but still access the controls?

I'm thinking about a really warm set of mittens and a really warm set of glove-linters. Shoot with the glove-liners on, otherwise keep the mittens on.

Thoughts, recommendations?
You can always get some of those hunting mittens that let you fold back the tip of the mitten to expose your fingers when you want to shoot.
I asked the same question to friend at work who was in to skiing for year. Because I have been think about a snowmobile trip to Yellowstone. He recommended similar as Mr. Hobbes, thin gloves or liners and ski mites that open on the end
hobbes28 said:
You can always get some of those hunting mittens that let you fold back the tip of the mitten to expose your fingers when you want to shoot.

my first thought, exactly!
I have also head that batteries discharge faster in extreme cold, so you need to keep the camera warm too.
If you people were REAL MEN like myself you would go out in cold weather naked and take photos. Then the last thing on your mind would be how cold your little fingers were :lol:
lostprophet said:
If you people were REAL MEN like myself you would go out in cold weather naked and take photos. Then the last thing on your mind would be how cold your little fingers were :lol:

Do you have pictures? I hope not.
Take photos indoors - thats how to keep your hands warm in the winter.

more seriously, it depends on the temperature that you're going to be shooting in, in the UK it's not that extreme, so a decent pair of gloves works well and you can still use all the controls whilst wearing them - might be a little different in the frozen tundras of North America with your fahrenheit scale and all that.
lostprophet said:
If you people were REAL MEN like myself you would go out in cold weather naked and take photos. Then the last thing on your mind would be how cold your little fingers were :lol:

Tempra, because of my surgery, I'm not going to be able to snowboard at all this year (which is usually my life during the winter), so I'm planning on taking pictures of people snowboarding. So it'll be pretty cold. Hopefully no colder than -5C and no warmer than about 5C.

Yeah, batteries do discharge faster in the cold. Good thing i have a lot.

Thanks for the help. I'll see what I can do about mittens that let you fold the fingers back.
hobbes28 said:
You can always get some of those hunting mittens that let you fold back the tip of the mitten to expose your fingers when you want to shoot.

That sounds like a wise investment...I have gloves that should work now, but wouldn't be great, but that sounds perfect.
Unimaxium said:
Someone I know (you know who you are, wink wink) uses a pair of thin gloves he borrowed from his mom... they seem to work very well ;-)

Yeah, he could use those hunting mittens like was suggested but his inferior, er, I mean, different camera doesn't allow him to change settings without using his thumb ;)
I wear weight training gloves :blushing: .... but they are good cuz they have padding on the palms that give good grip.... and they are cheap :mrgreen:

these ones actually... here
I use thin glove liners inside of warm mittens. When I want to shoot, I take off the mitts and can use the camera with the gloves on (and still have some warmth). In extreme cold, or if standing around in the cold, my view is you've gotta have mitts, as gloves just aren't warm enough.

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