

TPF Noob!
Jan 4, 2007
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Hi there,

I had some friends coming over with their kids... ended up taking few pics.
Would love your honest thoughts on them.





Very nice! The child is clearly the subject. There are no other distractions in the shot to draw my eyes away from the child. VERY nice color and great expressions and actions. I would be VERY pleased if I were a parent asking for a photo of my son/daughter. :) A+;)

wonderful colors! i am very impressed. their eyes stand out so much! their parents should be very pleased. the last is my fav.
These are very well done. The colours are so agreeable.

#2...he has a bit of an odd expression. But other than that....nice stuff!
Wow...I love the colors to. I especially like your choice of settings...home, where one would expect to see a child. #3 is my fav, adorable little girl :)
They are all great! Love the simple choice of background and the vibrant colors. #3 is my absolute favorite...looks like something straight out of a Hanna Andersson catalogue! The only thing I would probably change (other than dry the drool on the shirt in #1 &#4!) would be to include the little guy's right leg in #2. Beautiful shots!
Great Work, As everyone has already the colours, love the timber floor with the green wall, this has made a great backdrop, and I love the vibrancy and crispness of your images, I hope you made some money from their mums, because these are fabulous!!! #1,3&5 are my faves although if I was going to critique anything it would be the sole of the foot in the last one distracts me a bit, however being a portrait photographer myself and working mainly with children, I understand how these details cannot be avoided sometimes, and my guess is that mum won't even notice, all she will see is her beautiful child and he is beautiful.
Great lighting ,great work, hope we get to see some more posts from you. Jodie xxx
Thanks so much for your replies and comments!

I was actually slighlty worried when I post those...
Lately I started to have doubt about my skills. (long story but I do very bad at photo comp at my local club and it makes me quite sad/annoyed)

For the eyes, I actually don't do anything. I just post process my pictures in lightroom and adjust the colors/levels.
But when I shoot I do the focus on the eyes only and I also use a wide aperture.
This room works well as it has a big window behind me when I take pics and gives good catchlights in the eyes which makes them stand out.

BOUNCE, no I don' make money with them as they are my friends and I use them to practice on :)
I'm just starting out as a child photographer... just starting out...

thanks again for your comments
I think you have some excellent portraits here and shouldn't doubt yourself at all. Next time at your local when they have a comp, produce something like you've shown us here.

#4 (marked #5) is my favorite, but #1 comes in a very close second. I like the drool because that's what kids do.

What is the color of the green wall? I like it and wouldn't mind having it in one of my rooms.
So these were all done by the window light behind you? They look like they belong in a magazine ad, so bright and sharp. Do you know what your f-stop and shutter speed were?
Good captures. Number 2 and 4 are my favourites they look like good, clean and very sharp portrait shots to me.
I shot most of them at 2.8 1/160 ISO 400 and few at 1.8 1/500.

Yeap, there was only natural light. Here is the picture of the room to give you an idea. Just 2 big windows, on my my right one behind me when I take the pictures.


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