Lady of Fatima Shrine


TPF Noob!
Jan 17, 2005
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While Airic was out taking terrific Bird Shots,:grumpy: I was taking his wife, my wife and their mother to our Lady of Fatima Shrine in Western New York. Her are some shots, as I need a new shtick, as Raymond and Airic seem to have handily taken over mine.:mrgreen:






nice...i like the second and fourth ones best. Four almost has a selective colouring effect. good job :thumbup:
Hey! I was working that day :) I would have been more then happy to go as I was up to my elbows in developer and bleach for most of the day and it was sunny out.

Hey Raymond, lets go take photos down at the Shrine next week just to bug Peter, he, he.

Great shots Peter. It is a great place to shoot and it looks like you had some fine weather. One of these days we have to take Carl there, he would love it.

These are all great shots here. I love the angle in #2 and the tone in #5.

Nice photos !!
Great series, number two and four stand out to me.
Great shots Peter. 2 and 4 are my faves.
Dont feel bad buddy. After seeing all of you guys and your nature shots, and your 3 foot long lenses, and managing to capture images of birds with seeds in their beaks.....gheesh... Im gonna find a new thing to shoot too
Well done man. One day, I will get there. I would love to see it in full summer bloom. That would look awesome.
Chiller said:
Great shots Peter. 2 and 4 are my faves.
Dont feel bad buddy. After seeing all of you guys and your nature shots, and your 3 foot long lenses, and managing to capture images of birds with seeds in their beaks.....gheesh... Im gonna find a new thing to shoot too
Well done man. One day, I will get there. I would love to see it in full summer bloom. That would look awesome.

Carl we should all go down as a group!! In the spring!

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