Last round, C&C Please

Tyler Durden

TPF Noob!
Jul 10, 2009
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Post Graduate Traveler
Can others edit my Photos
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C&C per re

1. A neat idea; I like the sun flares off of the globes image right, but those left and foreground are rather dark and under-exposed. Additionally, the presence of the person in the background is somewhat distracting. A shooting position moved slightly left and zoomed a little more tightly would have improved this I think.

2. Very nice. I would have preferred to see this without the right-hand side of the tree being cropped, and I think positioning yourself or waiting 'til the sun was completely hidden by the tree would have improved it further.

3. Interesting, but a lot of unused space. The emtpy sky really contributes nothing to the image.

4. Another nice idea, but again, too tightly cropped. I would prefer to at least see her complete torso, including arms - cropping body parts is fine if necessary, but always try and do it boldly and never lonigtudally or at joints. Both this and #3 would have benefitted greatly from the use of a polarizing filter.

Lastly, STAND UP STRAIGHT!! All of your images have a distinct slant to them.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

I really love the colors in number one, but the globe on the lower left seems to be out of focus. On numbers two and especially three, I would like to see some foreground. I like the last one as is, but it might look better if not cropped as tight like the previous poster mentioned.

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