Lensbaby "street" shot


TPF Noob!
Jul 23, 2009
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Hey guys -

Here's a shot taken with a lensbaby.... if you don't know what it is it's a lens with a ball and socket joint that lets you move the focus area around the frame... also has a radial blur pattern as opposed to tilt-shift lenses which have a linear focus area...

the shot has been processed in LR3...

comments/critiques welcome...

Very cinematic :violin:
That's way cool, I love it. I hardly ever use my lensbaby :(
I like it, I am not sure I like the really wide border on the top and bottom. But the shot is really good.
lensbaby...you either love it or hate it.
thanks for the comments guys...

lensbaby...you either love it or hate it.

as to this one... honestly... 98% of what i've shot with it... i've hated...


sometimes they come out well... and it's pretty fun to just experiment and try to find what works...

theres no "top 10 composition tips for lensbaby" to read... it's just what you come up with you know?

also... i think it's really situational... you can't exactly use it to shoot everything...

all this random musing aside... i did really like this shot and i'm glad some of you guys liked it as well...

Lensbaby...you either love it, or hate it.............or you think its okay.
I'm not much on gadgets......................buuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt....................that's a well done dramatic photo. Composition,subject,use of the gadget all work together. Kudos.
I rather like this shot. My first impression, felt like it was an advert from a 70's magazine, until I noticed the cars were a little more modern :)

Keep up the good work! :D
Brilliant shot apart from the silly border. Well done you!

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