Life as a soldier on the frontline


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey everyone.
I just created a portfolio of the photographs that I took on a 7 month tour of Afghanistan with the household cavalry regiment. I would absolutely love to know what you guys think :D
Thanks :blushing:
Very nice series, I liked the sense of humor shot (eggs).
Shoot well and thanks for your service, Joe
Not sure if you know this or not... But I can still access and download your images off your site even though you have right click disabled.

Not that I have any interest in doing that, but I just figured you may want to know that you don't have an 'end all' for potential piracy.

You also may want to just include a link to your website in your signature instead of posting it in every post. It looks more like you're trying to drum up activity on your site.
Great photographs mate.

Army photography will always be a subject which people will feel emotion from but your images are pretty sharp and fairly well exposed (except a few).

Army related: Know that Journalists wear blue bullet proof vests... and the apparent reason is "enemies will not attack the journalists".
then... Why doesn't the army simply all "pretend" to be journalists? :O :p

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