Looking at Art


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
Can others edit my Photos
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DSC_0312.jpg IMG_1356.jpg DSC_0954_2.jpg
These look like someone used a camera to get these. <<First impression. Do you work for the newspaper or something?
first impression.... overprocessed
Did you know that the Mona Lisa knew what a crew meant? If you've ever seen an SLR of one, she's actually addressing her group with a little smile.
I like the processing. Adding a touch of painterliness to the people in the frame connects some ideas together in a subtle but interesting way.
I really,really like the first shot, do not care for the second one at all, and think the third shot is pretty well done aesthetically, although the technical quality is only cell-phone-like. Still, I totally "get" the concept of looking at art from the first shot and third shots. I say well-done sir!

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