looking for some ideas


TPF Noob!
Aug 4, 2009
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Rhode Island
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As i said on the title..
Im planning a photoshoot with a group of friends. and well the beach and parks are like the only places i can really think up as a setting.. but i want something different and exciting and cost nothing lol.. any ideas for places or ever themes of the photos? ive only done one model photoshoot.. with an ex friend and the pics were amazing we were in her back yard, her car and then we went to the park and then later down to the pond near her house the pictures were amazing conciding it was my first model photo shoot...

all ideas are welcomed!

Figure-out a story to tell with your images, and then tell it.
I think you should post the photos from your x-friend, since they are so amazing, my interest is piqued.
they were amazing to me at least.. :meh:

i put like 5 of em up in my gallery.. ithink i did lol but there were more just my internet sucks and it takes tooo long to load them
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You can make ur images 18kb in size, even the slowest of the slow now a days would be able to upload somethin.
I usually let the clients pick the location, and that's where it begins. I then scout the place before the shoot and that's where the brainstorming of the shoot for me starts to brew.

Where do your friends hang out?
Is there a particular place that represents the group?
Is there a theme you have in common?
Any specific activities that you guys do?
Color themes that leads to a location?
Personality traits correlates to a place?

It isn't necessarily the place that makes a good shoot, it's the representation of your subjects. Always have an objective or a theme on a shoot and the location will come to you IMHO.

Have fun! :D
well im planning this by myself .. my friends are just invited lol and theyll be like idk where do you wanna shoot it?
we usually chill at the beach or this park in ri or at my bestest house
were all crazy fun if tahts a theme?
thats all i got lol to answer our questions... man i suck!
that's a start. You said the beach, so I say go with what you have and have "fun". The beach is always a good location for a shoot and if it represents you guys why not?
Even better get everyone in the car and get lost.

Best locations I find are when I drive for 3+ hours without a destination in mind! If you have the cash for gas of course.

And uh, were there good reasons for her being an exfriend o.o shes cute. :drool:

Back on topic though, when you're looking for a location outside remember some important details:

1. The environment may create "Hot spots" or areas in the shade where the sun shines through more so then other parts creating unwanted nasty.

2. Shade is nature's way of saying "I love you"

3. If its a broken down building with no guards outside or signs saying to stay away, its fair game as long as you go unnoticed (totally not telling you to go into that abandoned warehouse, but totally not telling you to not go into there as well)

4. A lot of times I see interesting houses, sometimes if you are ballsy enough it pays off to walk up to the door and ask. Offer them photos, maybe ten bucks, food, something if they say no at first. Also, explain to them that you are a student working on a project, and that it would be greatly appreciated if they gave you their help.

5. The more time you spend scouting an area out, the more likely you will find interesting things.

Just some quick tips for success I try to adhere by when looking for a place :)

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