love practicing shoot the squirrel every morning

Photo Lady

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 25, 2009
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i love the birds ...but the squirrels and chipmonks give me the most practice..
1-test 004.JPG
1-birds 016.JPG
1-chip 042.JPG
Very nice! I like #1 and #2 the best. The blue roosters expression is cool! (hee, hee!)
Nice shots. I practiced on our cats in back yard for more than a year. I wore that old Canon Rebel camera out. I now have a 7Dmii and a 5dmiv. I still go out and practice taking photos. I'm currently working on back button focus and AI Servo focus. Both are taking some time to get used to.
Nice shots. I practiced on our cats in back yard for more than a year. I wore that old Canon Rebel camera out. I now have a 7Dmii and a 5dmiv. I still go out and practice taking photos. I'm currently working on back button focus and AI Servo focus. Both are taking some time to get used to.
I have learned so much in a week and its been fun and frustrating too.. ..i hope i do not wear my camera thank you

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