
This reminds me of the poem of Archilocus, translated by Lattimore:

slammed by the surf on the beach
naked at Salmydessos, where the screw-haired men
of Thrace, taking him in
will entertain him (he will have much to undergo,
chewing on slavery's bread)
stiffened with cold, and loops of seaweed from the slime
tangling his body about,
teeth chattering as he lies in abject helplessness
flat on his face like a dog
beside the beach-break where the waves come shattering in.
And let me be there to watch;
for he did me wrong and set his heel on our good faith,
he who had once been my friend

Archilocus and Lattimore. Unbeatable combination. It's *all* gold, but this one is especially good.
I really like how creepy this image is!
Hmm this image won't load for me.

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