Mavic Mini 2


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
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I am contemplating purchasing the Mavic Mini 2 "fly more combo". It seems to be the best value for money (within my budget) option I have come across here in Australia. I realise the sensor is 1 2/3 so the equivalent to a "point and shoot" camera so was interested in users opinions of the image quality. I would be shooting in good lighting conditions most of the time and being able to shoot in RAW will help with processing. Any thoughts?
I came close to getting one a wee while ago (even download the app) and my research came to the same conclusion as you in relation to product quantity in that price range. Watched loads of videos on YouTube and it's certainly highly regarded.
I would love a drone but with my luck, I would probably lose it somewhere....:grumpy:
I came close to getting one a wee while ago (even download the app) and my research came to the same conclusion as you in relation to product quantity in that price range. Watched loads of videos on YouTube and it's certainly highly regarded.
You were a bit selfish not going ahead and buying one so you could tell me what it was like ;)
I would love a drone but with my luck, I would probably lose it somewhere....:grumpy:
It seems to have some safe guards built in to get it back to you if the battery starts to get to low etc. But I know what you mean :)
You were a bit selfish not going ahead and buying one so you could tell me what it was like ;)

It seems to have some safe guards built in to get it back to you if the battery starts to get to low etc. But I know what you mean :)
Yeah, I feel soooooooooo guilty:p
Get it already!
That skin looks wicked.
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I love mine! I have an original Mini as well, but it has just sat around since the Mini 2 came out. The DNG RAW, among other upgrades, makes a huge difference. Occusynch II is also a huge plus. With this one, all the nail-biting moments have been of my own doing, lol. Of course, the little sensor is quite noisy, but full daylight is fine. I run the images through Topaz DeNoise AI, especially the low-light ones. I seldom run it in Sport mode unless I'm bringing it in at altitude- it's pretty fast. Overall, a reliable, capable, and way fun little drone.

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