Michigan Photo Obsession


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2013
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I have had a love for photography since I was little and got my first polaroid camera. I took a few 35mm B&W classes in High School and a digital class in college. I have always been told that I should become a photographer as a profession but never really saw it or had the confidence. After getting laid off I decided to pursue my love and here I am. I pride myself in being an out of the box photographer with my sessions, keeping things fun and personal for my subjects.
Welcome. I love Michigan. I have family in Cadillac.

Post some of your photos.
That sounds wonderful (well, except for the getting laid off part!), that you are pursuing your passion. :) It sounds like you've had some structured training and a lifetime of practice, so you are well on your way! Hope to see you posting your work in our Galleries section. Enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the site.
Welcome aboard, hope to see some of your work in the galleries!
Welcome to TPF. My wife is from Monroe, MI.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

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