Missing canon lens


TPF Noob!
Jan 3, 2015
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At the moment I have the kit 18-55 canon and a 75-200. I mainly shoot landscape but live in a city. Is there a lens out there that drops below 18 and goes up to 150ish. At the moment I'm looking at the 18-135. For me the 135 is fine. I'd just like it a tad wider. Is there a lens for a canon out there that I am missing which will have better quality than my kit lens.


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The drop below 18 would be the hardest thing. I don't thing there is a lens that fulfills such a wide gap because of the crazy amount of distortion that would be caused by using elements that were created for wide angle and trying to use them to go to a higher telephoto up at 150. Honestly I think thats why even the Nikon 14-24 isn't just combined into the 24-70, as to keep the distortion and perspective control in good order.
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There is a canon 15-85mm that's pretty much as sharp as you will get outside the L series. Otherwise you need to go for an ultrawide angle lens if you want more.

As Spikey says superzooms tend to be inferior IQ wise when compared to other lenses. But if you are happy with the image quality then by all means.

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