mood - sky


TPF Noob!
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score

does this work?
does it look realistic or overly fake? does it convey a moody feel to you? do you like it?!? what could be done to improve it? Its nothing special I know more of an experiment to learn from.
It certainly looks darker than it seems like it would in person, but it otherwise looks much like sunsets I've seen in various places around the country. I always find it difficult to apply the term "moody" to any single landscape or similar type of photograph. In this case, I'd say that if it were part of a larger collection of similar photographs, it could well establish a mood, but by itself, I don't get that.

Please, take that for what it's worth, which isn't much. I'm mood-challenged when it comes to this type of image. Someone else can probably give you better feedback on the subject.

Aesthetically, it's a nice photograph. It's a tad dark, but not excessively so. It hasn't got much context, but it's, well, "pretty" lol. I'd like to see more like this.

If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say adjust with curves. Leave the darkest shadows and the brightest highlights where they are, but raise the level of the dark midtones a bit to bring out some more detail.
to be totally honest I don't like it anyways! :lol: I just got a lot of "woah" from non photographer viewers thanks for your comments :hug::
The colors are definitely cool but in general I think cool skies work best as backgrounds. If you had an interesting building or something in the foreground with this sky behind I think it would strengthen the shot.

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