More Fuji Price Hikes?

As the film market becomes less and less, the supply and demand curve will trend upwards
Let everybody switch to Ilford exclusively and support the last serious producer of BW materials. I would prefer to safe Kodak, but something tells me Kodak doesn't want to be saved. ( Maybe they should hire Champion to manage their film production to ?)
Fuji chrome is lovely. I do support Ilford but can't turn my back on Fuji. Gorgeous stuff! :)
Let everybody switch to Ilford exclusively and support the last serious producer of BW materials. I would prefer to safe Kodak, but something tells me Kodak doesn't want to be saved. ( Maybe they should hire Champion to manage their film production to ?)

+1 Kodak, and Sony on the digital side, aren't performing all to well.
As film dies out the few makers left will have their way with price.
Prices for plain vanilla Fuji Superia 400 are already ridiculous around Toronto. Black's--an old but fading Canadian photo retailer once owned--sells its store brand(Fuji Superia 400) for a bit more than $40 for a 5 pac of 24 shot rolls. Adding in processing/printing at around $13-$15(and the $8 and change for film), you're looking at around $25 for dev/print of 24 exp. So much for the "film renaissance."
He who controls the film, controls the darkroom universe.

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