Mr. Frog


TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2005
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North Carolina
Can others edit my Photos
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I saw this little guy in our yard after a rain last week. I wasn't sure if I should have shown more background, or more rock with this one.
This one is only a 4/12 quality. For the 12/12 please go here ( )
He is cute! I love frogs and toads, the smaller the better. :D

I'd have to say a little less rock in this one - but really, the composition isn't bad. It's just that the image is a bit overexposed, overall. The brightness of the rock is competing with the subject.
well it looks angry with you :p you were pipping it and it now will come with all his friends to your yard :)
well I'd do a bigger close-up to show more of the frog
mentos_007 said:
well it looks angry with you :p you were pipping it and it now will come with all his friends to your yard :)
well I'd do a bigger close-up to show more of the frog

That was about as close as I could get. The frog is no bigger then 1.5 inches from head to...butt? Here is the original...

(Full size to show what I did)
When I resized it I thought the frog was to small to see so I just made it so it seems as if it were closer than it was.

terri said:
I'd have to say a little less rock in this one - but really, the composition isn't bad. It's just that the image is a bit overexposed, overall. The brightness of the rock is competing with the subject.
Do you think it would look better with the frog moved to the right and more mulch shown in the background?
i can appreciate the placement of the frog as i try pushing subjects out of a shot at times. as for this shot, i like the comp, but i agree with terri regarding overexposure. try selective contrasting/burning in PS to make the frog stand out a bit more.
Alright. Do either of these look any better?


Original (sort of)

the first in your last post pops more. i test this sort of thing by squinting, if that makes sense to ya. i like it!
I like the second burnt one the best. It made a big difference.

Hey Mentos, what the heck is frog pipping?:p
The second burnt image does help the image quite a bit, even subdues some of the more exposed areas of the image. The frog has an excellent look for the composition and while I would have preferred less rock because it competes with the frog a lower angle with the same amount of rock may have created a dramatic effect. Just a thought. If I had to choose to have proportionately more rock or background in the picture I would choose rock.

Keep up the good work.

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