my first camera, choices choices.


TPF Noob!
Nov 23, 2004
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i've always enjoyed photography, and i may want to make it part of my future. i use a digital camera every now and then. i think i may want to purchase my my very own camera though; this will be my first one. what would you guys recommend for a beginner such as myself? i really don't know much about cameras yet, i'm looking to learn. sorry if this post is kind of vague but i really don't know where to begin. i have no training or anything in the field of photography. i'm looking to expand my knowledge and experience. any comments and recommendations would be appreciated. thanks!
Welcome to the forum.

Are you thinking about purchasing a digital camera or a film camera? Either way, I suggest you get one that allows some sort of manual control. You want to be able to set the aperture & shutter speed to give you some creative control.

Without knowing more, it's hard to offer any suggestions. You could get an older, used, manual focus SLR system. You could get a newer auto focus SLR system...either film or digital. You could get a range finder type camera. You could get a point & shoot style digital etc.

If you are thinking digital, I will suggest that you do not get one of the more expensive point & shoot or SLR-like models. There is nothing wrong with these cameras but if you are going to spend $700 - $1000 on a digital camera, you might as well get a digital SLR camera that will give you much better picture quality and more room to grow.
I think a lot depends upon your pocket book. How much can you spend and not cause anyone including yourself any misery? If cost is really not a factor, I would go with a Nikon D70 SLR kit with a "normal" lens. That's a great digital camera to learn and expand on. If for some reason photograpy is not your cup of tea, you can still recoup a major portion of your investment. I would pick up some basic photography books and read, read and read. Taking a class or two doesn't hurt either. My .02 pesos.

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