My first Digital (slr) camera


TPF Noob!
Aug 3, 2004
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Sacramento, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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I have been into photography for awhile, however I wouldnt call myself experienced at all, dealt mostly with point and shoots. Here are a few of my shots from my new (since xmas) Digital Rebel XT






Anyway, Some of them I like for weird reasons, the one with my family at dinner I like simply because of the facial expressions, they didnt realize i had my camera, it feels so real and happy to me i can't help but love it.

Critique is welcome ;]
You might want to check out fill flash. I feel like the 4th shot would have benefitted greatly from it.

The first picture has a good mood going until you get to the window. I think if you were able to reshoot this when it was darker and the window wasn't so bright, it would be really good.

The last one is great. A lot of people would warn against cutting off at feet and ankles, but I don't think that really affects the shot too badly here. You've got a great capture here. All the colors look coordinated (with the exception of the car thing, which I think is a nice element).
Nice family shots. I know kids are growing up faster than ever, but isn't the little girl a bit young to have a mobile phone? :)
haha yea i think she just wanted to eat the phone really, that was her main concern.
Nice family shots. I know kids are growing up faster than ever, but isn't the little girl a bit young to have a mobile phone? :)

I'm more amazed at her pierced ears- I had to wait until I was 12 for mine, hahaha! :)

Anyways, good pics- I really like #2, and I agree about a fill flash for #4, but you're off to a good start! #3 is also very cool- nice and spooky :)

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