My first try with wildlife photography


TPF Noob!
May 15, 2015
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I never shot wild animals before, but I got my first taste of it the other day! Had an awesome lucky opportunity to get real up close to a squirrel. Never got soo close to one before, let alone photograph one down on their level! I really love the photos I took! Hope you enjoy just as much as I did! :586::586::586::586::586::586::586::bouncingsmileys:
I love the depth of field! It's a very nice and crisp image!
Great shot. Bet you had fun shooting it.

To me, wildlife photography is a lot like hunting. It takes skill (field craft) and patients. I have been on many hunting trips that I got skunked but never on one that I wish I had stayed home. I am a country boy and love the outdoors. Being out and enjoying the great outdoors is wonderful on the worst day.

If you are interested in wildlife photography you, depending on what you want to photograph, you will need to learn how to hunt. You will be amazed how much more you will see when you understand stealth.

Good luck and have fun.

Nice shots! They are quick little buggers!
These little characters have so much personality. They really do a number on the sunflower seeds from my feeder and most of them need a Jenny Craig program but least they won't starve to death as long as I could help it.Super Squirrel shots.

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