my stab at animal pictures cc please

Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Williamstown MA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit


My thoughts:

1. - Too many people around. Make it distracting for me if your intent was to focus on the horses.

2. - The deer seems out of focus. I would maybe crop the picture some.

3.- Love the picture. I like the whole composition.
1- the highlights are a little bit blown

2- OOF

3- great but maybe a little to tight/ to much crop depending on what you did.(chopped the hind leg off)
1 and 3 are overexposed

All 3 are way to large to view (800 pixels on the horizontal please)

Gorgeous dog. Goldens are tied with yellow Labs as my favorite breeds. If I hadn't gotten my Lab that is 6 months old now, I would have gotten a Golden.

EDIT: Your username is way to long as well. Half my screen is used up with the left pane where your name/avatar is and the other half is filled with only half of the photos showing.
1- Your highlights have no detail, but I do love the colors in the trees.
2. Too blurry/noisy, not enough detail
3. Great picture, this one takes it. Dogs are adorable, kids are cute, whats better than a kid and a dog?
1- looks very much like a quick snapshot and not a photograph. I see what you were trying, and having so many people around makes it hard to capture. But with all the stuff in the pictures, its too busy and the viewer doesn't get a sense of what your focus was in the picture

2- Getting in closer would be nice (either longer zoom or physically closer, which is harder with the deer) and getting it more in focus is key.

3- Nice sharpness, my favorite of the three. The dog has a great expression in his face. The picture looks a bit dark, but that could be my work monitor. In terms of composition, I'd like to see the same thing zoomed closer in. You are already cutting off his back paw, so cut off more and go for more of a head shot. But overall, pretty nice picture!
1 and 3 are overexposed

All 3 are way to large to view (800 pixels on the horizontal please)

Gorgeous dog. Goldens are tied with yellow Labs as my favorite breeds. If I hadn't gotten my Lab that is 6 months old now, I would have gotten a Golden.

EDIT: Your username is way to long as well. Half my screen is used up with the left pane where your name/avatar is and the other half is filled with only half of the photos showing.

Someone needs a bigger monitor. ;)
I agree on all points above. #3 is my favorite, but, you still chopped her arm, it is crooked and I think it would be better if you showed a bit more of her face.

Gorgeous dog :)
thank you all for your advice... just experimenting with different stuff. and how would i edit my username? i am a computer-challenged being.

thanks for the compliments on the dog, i wish it was mine, but i only saw it on the boardwalk in maine

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