my website is up...

Lindsey seriously? Many images not up to par? I would be interested in knowing where par is then. :) *chuckle* Looking at the broad body of work there is a strong grasp of fundementals and a lack of obvious post processing... true I could go to town on the asthetics of any of the pictures as asthetic tends to be subjective. But the same is true for the images on your website and on mine. Technically it looks like a great start to me.

Aw well, to each his own...
My name is Kelly.

It has nothing to do with her post processing.. this is only judging from her "portraits" section as I didn't look at the other section. YOu will not see out of focus images or images with color casts on my site. And since we are comparing her to me, you will also notice that I *recognize* that I have worlds to go before I start charging money.

To me, I would weed out the portraits that have obvious bad lighting (black background, 3 subjects 1 is a baby), are out of focus (the little boy on the white background sitting down, the focus fell on his shirt and not his eyes), or are very snapshotty (the grandfather and the 2 kids on the stairs). I could go on. You wanted VHO and that's mine. I imagine you go to a pro site and you will get the same reaction.

ETA this is close to where "par" is. Just a quick link I grabbed.
Peace Kelly. Peace.

As to "when" its ok to charge money. There is an odd "idea" around lately that you must meet a "bar" or "level" to charge for your work. I just disagree. If it makes a customer happy, if you value yourself, and value your time and artistic vision then you are worth compensation. I think in looking at your work if a mother said "ah", "ooh" and " I would like that framed" then your work is professional. Remember "professional" just means you charge for your work. Not that you are good.

Ok, what is wrong with me? SOoo many quotes in that... just ridiculous.
I'm not meaning anything I"m saying to be harsh. I need to go edit with some :D in there.

We can agree to disagree :)
Looking around your website it looks like you do charge. Very reasonably. And I think justly so.

There is always room to get better. You have never "arrived" good photography just isnt a location. Its a process and a journey. So if you define a professional as "someone who is good enough to charge money" thats a problematic deffinition. Who sets the bar? heh heh :) Peace out.

Comparing yourself is a mugs game. There will always be someone better than you. :) Certainly better than me. :)
Granted, I charge for prints but I give massive discounts is what your not seeing while I am portfolio building.

I do not want the hastle of changing all my prices once I go "pro", so they are there but I do not charge.
Many of my clients (photog web dev) and students (graphic arts) have used the same technic... it works. The only catch is getting over the "Well, is my art really worth all that money." feeling when it comes time to ramp up to full business model. Don't trap yourself. :)
I really enjoyed browsing your website. I especially like the real/natural emotion you catch in the photographs. You should be proud of launching a great site!
I don't know if it's my browser or what, but none of the images in the slideshow are loading. Anyone else having this problem?

EDIT: Should have mentioned, I'm using Firefox 3
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Many of my clients (photog web dev) and students (graphic arts) have used the same technic... it works. The only catch is getting over the "Well, is my art really worth all that money." feeling when it comes time to ramp up to full business model. Don't trap yourself. :)

Thanks for the advice!! I have quite a bit going on in my life so I don't plan to jump headfirst into the biz right away. I'll be graduating (with honors!) with my bachelors in December and I'll want to start my "career" right away. If photography follows, then that will be great :thumbup:

To the OP, I hope nothing I have said was taken offense to... I would like to see you (everyone) succeed in their ventures. This was an invaluable read to me *(long, but worth every page)
kelly, thank you for the input. I had not noticed the soft eyes on the little boy. i'll admit, i added that photo as an after thought... I am not sure which photograph you are speaking of with the black background and 3 subjects... could you specify?

While I have been shooting with film for years, I am still adjusting to the learning curve of digital. ( i just switched gear in sept) no more exposing for the shadows! exposure is different, noise and the need to post process. I really hate pp!

FRXNZ: we are having some problems with our hosting site. my husband has been with them for years, and we have never had a problem. they assured us that they are working to fix the issue. hopefully it will be resolved soon as we would hate to move our business elsewhere.

Rasheemo: i agree about the load time. i know nothing about the flash (all hubby) but i will make that suggestion. I would like it to have a nice flow.

thanks again for everyone's thoughts on the site and my work. overall i think it is off to a nice start. I am looking forward to refining some of the images and filling the empty pages!

if anyone has any other thoughts, please keep 'em coming. I need all the input i can get!

Howdy there,

Not sure if this was addressed, lots of replies already.
I really recommend the use of Sans Serif font like Arial or Helvetica. The "default" font is running on the browser, looks kinda messy.

A quick fix!
Currently your styles are this:
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #36332F;
margin-top: 0px;

Add this above the "body" so it will look like this:
(The "font-size: 13px;" is optional)
<style type="text/css">
* {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px;}
body {
background-color: #36332F;
margin-top: 0px;

Easy to move around and the colors don't hurt my eyes. I hate flashy sites. I like it and I saw some of your work. Nice shots

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