Need help with camera & strange smudge......


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 28, 2012
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New Zealand
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Please help!
I have cleaned my camera top to toe, and all the glass is smudge-free and beautiful. Yet for some reason every picture has this smudge on the picture.

It isn't the lens as every single lens does it and it isn't the mirrors.
Has anyone had this issue, what was the cause?
Can't afford a professional clean of my camera at this stage- but need it functioning properly.
Thanks in advance!!
That's probably a rather large collection of sensor cleaning fluid and gunk at the edge of the sensor...that is the biggest one I've ever seen...
Yep, probably dirty sensor. Get a magnifying glass and a flashlight, open the mirror and look at the sensor. If it is dirty then get a cleaning kit to clean it.

For cleaning sensor, I prefer the dry type such as this: Lenspen SensorKlear II with Articulated Tip SK-1A B H Photo
over liquid ones because I never seem to be able to remove all the residues and streaks from liquids.
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A smudge that large won't need a magnifying glass. It's probably visible to the crew of the ISS.
Fixed thankyou! Have never opened mirror before so its strange how that got in there....But I do have a child...
If it is on photos or video, it can't be on the mirrors in a DSLR because the mirrors are up out of the light path.
That's why the viewfinder goes black when shooting stills or video.
If it is on photos or video, it can't be on the mirrors in a DSLR because the mirrors are up out of the light path.
That's why the viewfinder goes black when shooting stills or video.

I think she was talking about locking the mirror up.
Don't attempt to clean the sensor in a dusty room.
What you are seeing is dirt casting a shadow on the sensor.

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