Newfoundland Weather.


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2007
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Newfoundland..Due East
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is the most odd thing ever.

Woke up this morning to the sun just rising, fine and dandy
Get into russian class at 11:10 our time, it rains for 5 mins.
Go out to lunch and it starts to hail..stops within 5 mins and starts again TWICE
Ok. so when that stops the sun comes out again, during math class, around 2:30 it SNOWS!!! snow..not hail, not rain, gravity defying white substance coming from the sky.
that turns to rain for a total of 5 mins and stops, sun comes out.
Got picked up by my mom, while on the way home, hail again big hail, people running under tree size hail.
get home and the sun comes out, all is fine, then rain, pouring rain, while the sun is as bright as ever.

Don't like the weather here...wait 5-10 mins, it will change.

Don't forget about the 15 feet of snow that might fall on any given day during the winter...and then melt away in another day or two.
are you mixing hail and sleet?
Gotta love Canada eh? Hail...I cant wait for one of those 2 feet of snow dumpings. :lol::lol: This year, Im gonna pull a now show at work, like everyone else does when it snows. :grumpy:
Well, I have already paid my deposit and am booked for skiing this winter on more than one occasion. If it looks like a great snow winter, I will make more bookings.

Nope...this was pure hail, little balls of ice collecting on the ground.

the snow was floating up as it was falling and was pure white, so i guess it was snow.
snow pellets? graupel? sleet? freezing rain? (all these things can fall as little balls of ice and can collect on the ground)

hail doesnt make much sense, but since i wasnt there, i have no choice but to believe you :greenpbl:
snow pellets? graupel? sleet? freezing rain? (all these things can fall as little balls of ice and can collect on the ground)

hail doesnt make much sense, but since i wasnt there, i have no choice but to believe you :greenpbl:


snow pellets does make more sense..thank you.

but either way, Newfie weather blows.
I didn't know sleet and freezing rain were two different things, this all confusing.
haha, ready for this? it's quite simple.

freezing rain: snow or ice forms way up in the cloud, then as it falls to the earth, it encounters a deep warm layer (> 0C) and it fully melts. then it leaves the warm layer and enters back into a sufficiently cool layer (< 0C) but that layer is shallow and so the water droplet cannot refreeze before hitting the earth. because the earth is SO cold (remember the sufficiently cool layer?), the droplet freezes upon impact.

sleet: snow or ice forms way up in the cloud, then as it falls to the earth, it encounters a very shallow warm layer (> 0C) and it partially melts and then it leaves the warm layer and enters back into a cool layer (< 0C) and refreezes before it hits the ground.

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