Newsflash - new disease turns men into ugly women


TPF Noob!
Jan 26, 2008
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Columbia, SC
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Yes - it's true.

After a meteorite crashed in Ukraine, it was discovered men were turning into women - ugly women.

Here's a videoclip of one of the most notable sufferers of this terrible affliction..

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dude, wtf did i just watch?
Verka Serduchka - That was his music video which mixes old Ukranian music with modern. He's a transvestite performer in a country that hates anybody that's not straight.
interesting that he's popular if the odds are stacked against him....
interesting that he's popular if the odds are stacked against him....

Yes. I like the irony. Apparently it's ok to go in drag if you're a performer but not if you're just an ordinary guy. The former USSR is full of stuff like that. They hate and deplore "blue boys" (homosexuals) but quietly ignore the fact that most of their greatest ballet dancers and composers weren't straight.

But I just love the video. I love the mix of traditional and modern. It reminds me so much of my time in the former USSR.

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