Night shots


TPF Noob!
Apr 12, 2004
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OK, so these are the first pictures I have uploaded on here to share, from my so far short lived and un-illustrious, if that is a word, dabble into photography.

Be as brutal as these pictures probably are :eek:


The first one is a tad overexposed as you might have noticed, but it's not a bad effect. The second one is nice looking, I like how crisp your light trails are, and the composition is good.
I know what your saying on the first one, I was playing around with it earlier and tried cropping out , well, pretty much half the picture :D

But here it is:

Night photography is ever so interesting. I have a couple of films out to be processed and with those can only HOPE the night photos will have come out nicely. I tried some with the digital camera and have instant feedback on those, which helps, so I can play around with the settings a little...

Of these 2 1/2 (;)) pictures I like the second best with the light trails rushing through from left top to right bottom.
Ach thanks for the comments guys. I might just post some more of my stuff another time now, is there any particularly glaring mistakes Ive made or anything you would recommend changing when taking the pics that I might be doing wrong? I think I could do a bit better than them but Im only new to it... :(
The first shot is a little blurred due to the slow shutter speed. This kind of night shot is much better exposed using a tripod. The light trails are nicely exposed, but the angle turns the picture from light trails of cars into an abstract that is a little hard to read.

The crop is a little too tight on the top, try to leave some room for the picture to "breathe".

Have a read up about the "Rule of Thirds" as a compositional technique - it may give you a good starting point for composing your shots. The Rule Of Thirds And The Golden Mean are covered here:

Nice start, keep going! :)

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