Nightly Visitor


TPF Noob!
Feb 2, 2005
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This grey fox and her mate visit every night, and now are starting to bring her babies... I have spotted one baby that is a juvenille delinquit that Momma and Daddy try to get to go back to the den....maybe I can get some pics of the babies later..

let's see...out of 746 posts, this is the 3rd post you've created with an image. what's up? if you're producing this qualiy of work, you must be holding out on us! :spank: now, i'd suggest some sort of punishment, but knowing you, you'd enjoy anything i offer up ;) so what do you suggest we do to someone who denies us wonderful images like this???

this really is a good shot!
i had no idea so many of ya'll were on major drugs...ya'll are high!
but your incredibly sweet... i have told you that i am no where near your calibur.. just a lucky shot...but you make me feel good..thank you both...
(your $20.00 are in the was 20 right??)

this fox comes up every does an odd assortment of 'coons ...possums..skunks....and many deer....hope i can share some more...thanks guys..(i think i am blushing...)
very cool shot aprilraven!

where have you been hiding? love to see more :D :D :D
dang mansi...thanks...but i really just lucked out...she sits and waits for me to come out on the deck..stevie wonder could have taken this shot...seriously..

and may i say, i can not even tote your camera bag...your the queen of picture taking with candid shots and stuff....thank you mansi..i'm humbled...
Great capture, April. Nice DOF and it's great how's he's looking right at you! :heart:
You have such wonderful, beautiful creatures coming to you backyard every night? ENVY! (You don't keep any chickens though? Well, they'd be gone for long now... ;)). I would photograph like crazy if I had possums and racoons and squirrels and deer and foxes and whatnot come to my garden and POSE! I mean: stay there and POSE! For you to get this wonderful, this "Stevie-Wonder-photo" (heehee :lol: )!!! Send in more. I feel as humble compared to the others here as you do. And I still dare come forward with one or the other photo. Only do we only get toads or the odd frog - but my daughter likes and pets EVERYTHING!
thanks lafoto..tell your daughter i am the same way, i pickup strays all the time..just ask anicole... its hard not to want to make pets of all my wild strays that come up..i try to keep a distance, its just natural for me to "adopt" everything....

raymond....true about the nails, but how do you stir all the concoctions without them?
(where did i put that eye of newt??? hate when i lose that....)
Encore! ENCORE! This shot is amazing, love the redish colour in his coat.
Great shot. I love wild life photography, and this shot take the cake. Love it, post more:mrgreen:

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