Odd splotches when printing black and white photos in darkroom

Mia Kitterson

TPF Noob!
Feb 23, 2020
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I've asked my photography friends, but no one has any idea. I keep getting weird splotches on my prints. This is happening in the developer. I can see it. I'm using kentmere black and white RC paper and Kodak desktop developer. Temp is at 20 C and diluted 4:1 as per the instructions on the package. I've included a picture. This is the worst it looks. When I mix the chemicals they are mixed carefully and everything dissolves. I've got no ideas. It looks like I sprayed the paper or something, bit it was developed in a clean tray. Paper is new. This happens all of the time. To my examples and student work.
So this is NOT present on the negatives ?
Exactly what actions are done with the print development ... ex. tray continously rocked, paper not pushed ...
Not in the negatives. All student work gets this. The examples I make in the darkroom have this, but it's usually very hard to see. I slide paper onto the tray print side up and immediately rock the tray. This happened when I diluted the solution more too (9:1).
Kodak desktop developer?
Was that a typo ... as I have not heard of that one before.
Yikes. Dektol developer. Thanks autocorrect
I am guessing you are probably making 5 gallon stock solution.

The suggested working solution is 1:2 ... maybe you should try that.
Also have you tried putting the print face down in the tray ?
Ugh, I'm sorry. I meant 1:2 dilution. I have tried putting it in upside down, but I can try that again. It's a nuisance, and the splotches are always there. Sometimes they are very hard to see and sometimes easy to see. More obvious with lots of black in the image.
How long to you leave the print in the dev tray while continuously rocking the tray? Should be at a minimum of 1 1/2 mins for RC paper, I do it for 2 min.
I don't know exactly what it is, but that is a (IMO) clear case of contamination.

The streaks if were simple agitation would show up differently.
Wash the trays and you may need a fresh batch of developer and/or hypo.

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