Ok, a question about lighting..


TPF Noob!
Jul 11, 2006
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I am a big fan of Dimitri Daniloff, and he often uses a special type of lighting in his photos/manipulations. It looks like the model is shiny, like sweaty. It creates like sharp areas of reflected light on arms, legs, cheeks, whatever.

Look at this example:


Any ideas? I guess he uses flash? But how does he position it? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Here's more of his stuff: http://www.ohlsson.de/dimitri/advertising/DIMITRIDANILOFF.html
Rabieshund said:
It looks like the model is shiny, like sweaty. It creates like sharp areas of reflected light on arms, legs, cheeks, whatever.

The highlights are verging on becoming "specular highlights," because the lighting is at such an angle, it's "bouncing" directly at the lens. Another way to see where the lighting has been placed is by studying the shadows. Is it starting to become apparent where he placed his lights?

That sounds expensive! Thanks for the good reply, it explained a thing or two! :)
How many lightsources do you think was used for this photo? It looks like three, but I'm not sure.
i would say three, one might be a reflector. one from above for sure, one from either 45 degrees on the right or the left, and hte third might be a reflector from the opposite side or maybe a lower intensity light. thats my guess.

i think theses are strobes. from waht ive experimented with, that dimness of everything else is from a dark room, and the highlights on the sufraces of his skin are from a strobe. put the shutter speed up really fast and you get something similar to that. im sure theres alot more post editing tho.
Would he use some sort of 'creme' to make the skin shine ?
Thanks for the reply, blooper! :)

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